Baking Susan

Love to Bake!!

TWD: Bagels

on October 16, 2012

Our host this week is Heather at Heather’s Bytes.  Well, these bagels were fun to make.  I have never made bagels before, and never knew you had to boil them.  My first batch I made the bagels too big (the hole in the center), so once baked they didn’t look right.  But the second time around I corrected that and they turned out well.  I topped them with onion, garlic, and salt since that is what my hubby likes.  That being said, I probably won’t make them again.  We don’t eat bagels very often, so we will probably just purchase the few we eat.


4 responses to “TWD: Bagels

  1. Hard to get the hole the right size. Some of mine were too small and closed up completely.

  2. Who cares how big or small the hole is–it tastes the same either way, right?

  3. These look good!! You are always so negative and never decide to keep making them. 🙂 I am working on mine now. I was a little late, but should be baked up tomorrow and I will post on the makeup day with the pumpkin bread.

  4. Ckay says:

    Since the holes don’t have a particular taste…. doesn’t matter how big they are … ihihihi!
    I love them both, big hole bagels and their brothers.
    A pity you won’t make them again…but “never say never”….

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